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John Wick 4's Post-Credits Scene: A Thrilling Reminder That The Action Never Really Ends

Fans of the John Wick franchise have eagerly been awaiting the fourth installment of the series, and it seems that they will not be disappointed. John Wick 4 promises to be an action-packed thrill ride, but it's the post-credits scene that has everyone talking.

The post-credits scene of John Wick 4 is a testament to the fact that the action never really ends. The scene shows John Wick sitting alone in a dark room, his face bloodied and battered. He's clearly been through a brutal fight, but it's not over yet. In front of him, a phone rings, and he answers it. The voice on the other end tells him that he has a new assignment, and the camera cuts to black.

This scene is significant because it shows that no matter how much John Wick fights, no matter how many enemies he takes down, there will always be more. This is the nature of the world that John Wick inhabits, a world of assassins and criminals where violence is always lurking just around the corner.

The post-credits scene also sets up the possibility for a fifth installment in the franchise. Fans can only speculate what the new assignment could be, but it's clear that John Wick isn't done fighting just yet.

But the scene is also a commentary on the nature of action movies themselves. Action movies are built around the idea of conflict, and the resolution of that conflict through violence. But the resolution is often temporary, as new conflicts arise to take its place. This is what makes action movies so exciting, and why they have remained popular for so many years. The audience is always left wanting more.

John Wick 4's post-credits scene is a reminder that action movies are not just about the action itself, but also about the anticipation of what's to come. The scene leaves audiences on the edge of their seats, wondering what John Wick's next move will be.

In conclusion, John Wick 4's post-credits scene is a thrilling and thought-provoking addition to the franchise. It sets up the possibility for a fifth movie while also commenting on the nature of action movies themselves. The scene proves that the action never really ends, and that's exactly what makes the John Wick franchise so exciting. Fans can't wait to see what's next for John Wick, and with this post-credits scene, they know that the ride is far from over.

One of the reasons why the John Wick franchise has been so successful is its ability to constantly up the ante. Each movie has pushed the boundaries of what's possible in terms of action sequences and fight choreography. The fourth movie promises to take things to a whole new level, and the post-credits scene is just a taste of what's to come.

But it's not just about the action. The John Wick franchise has also been praised for its world-building and character development. The post-credits scene is a testament to this, as it shows the toll that the constant fighting has taken on John Wick. He's not just a killing machine, but a human being with emotions and vulnerabilities.

The scene also adds another layer to the mythology of the franchise. We already know that there is a vast network of assassins and criminals operating behind the scenes, but this scene hints at an even larger conspiracy. Who is giving John Wick these assignments, and why? What is their endgame? These are questions that fans will undoubtedly be asking themselves until the fifth movie (if there is one) is released.

Overall, the John Wick 4 post-credits scene is a masterful piece of filmmaking. It's a tantalizing glimpse of what's to come, while also commenting on the nature of action movies and the human condition. Fans of the franchise will be left wanting more, but isn't that the point? The action never really ends, and neither does our love for John Wick.

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John Wick 4's Post-Credits Scene: A Thrilling Reminder That The Action Never Really Ends

Fans of the John Wick franchise have eagerly been awaiting the fourth installment of the series, and it seems that they will not be disappoi...

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